Should you try to escape? Should you interact with the suspect? Can you spot red flags prior to a crisis event that could lead to a hostage situation? What commonalities exist among teens whom commit violent acts? Officer "Adam" has over 300 hours of Crisis and Hostage Negotiation training (see below).


Time of presentation:

Condensed version: 1-1.5 hours

Standard version with Q & A: 2 hours

Training History:

OPOTA Basic HNT...............40 hrs
OPOTA Advanced HNT........40 hrs
FBI Basic HNT....................40 hrs
Crisis Intervention Team.....40 hrs
PATC Phase I HNT..............40 hrs
PATC Phase II & III HNT.....40 hrs
PATC Phase IV Recert...........8 hrs
School Safety Seminar.........16 hrs
OPOTA Scenario House........72 hrs